“We’ll discuss this when we get home”

This was how the incident was dismissed but Nnenna couldn’t shake the feeling that he watched her every move at the wedding. The day after the wedding they returned to Lagos. Last year was Kelechi's matriculation into Anambra State University. This year Chukuwdi enrolled in the same school as his elder brother and Nnenna joyfully prepared for it. She made his favorite meal ofe-aku and eba she also made some continental dishes and packed in little plates for his friends she then added bottles of malt and zobo. When she arrived at the school with Obinna who insisted on following her and Onyinye_since he had sacked Emeka, the driver, her husband had discovered the truth concerning the money he accused her of stealing through Emeka’s confession she was greeted warmly by her both brothers and her mother.

Nwam nwaanyi!. kedu?” Her mother embraced her warmly then took the child from her. “How is our Onyi,?” she asked the asked the baby who only responded by giggling at her and holding her face with his chubby hands.

“Sister!!!. kedu?” kelechi asked fondly taking Onyineye from his mother.

“odimma” .she replied then rushed to the booth and brought the refreshments. She handed the over to Chikwudi. “Go and call your friends so you all will eat. Eh”

Obinna took his son when the students were all summoned. When they returned he told her brothers that he had to go for he had an appointment. Nnenna although disappointed by the early departure, compiled and when she had told them farewell with the promise of coming back to see them when she had time. They left.

Nnenna was lost in deep thoughts and she didn’t notice that they were in Lekki far from home till Obinna stopped the car and gestured for her to come out and follow him, carrying a fussing Oyniye she walked with him to the row of boutiques that displayed yards of beautiful wrappers, ranging from aso-eke, kente, dashiki to Hollandas wrappers. They stopped in front of one of the stores and Obinna entered. She followed as she rocked Oyniye in her arms.

ekaro sir” the girl said as she came towards them.

  The boutique was spacious and different designs and patterns of textiles where displayed either hanging on mannequins or being folded on shelves. There was even an area where chairs where set up for the buyers to be comfortable as they made their purchases. She was beginning to wonder why Obinna had brought her here but she got her answer from what he said next.

nkem!, I want to tell you something and I want you to listen carefully.” her husband said. He then walked her to the chairs that were arranged in a corner. he sat  beside her and took Onyinye from here_ by now he had falling asleep,_ now that her hands were empty she twisted them on  the wrapper she had tied today and listened to her husband what she heard next shocked her greatly.

  Obinna felt sad which was very bad because this was meant to be a happy event but he couldn’t just think of the fact that he was giving his wife the freedom to do as she wished and even leave him for good. He looked at her, she was still beautiful, age had not waned it one bit she was just like that girl he had fell in love with while on a job in Anambra State. He had looked past her ragged dresses and seen the woman within the child. He knew that she was the only one he would need in this life. He had watched as she had turned down the advances of his coworkers who came to eat at the restaurant she worked in. He had seen her distress and was all too willing to help her after he heard her story from the locals. He turned to the child he held in his hands and was filled with joy knowing that he had a son to love and who he hoped would also forgive him and love him in return. Nnenna his ifunanya and Nne umuakammm_ his love and the mother of his child_ deserved more than what he had given her.

   “Nne” he began. “I said you should listen very well when am done you can decide what you want to do with what I have to say”. He looked up. “My dear wife, I know some wounds cannot heal and even the ones that heal can leave scars. I am so sorry for the past years I beat you because of my anger and temper issues. I know nothing can explain how I feel about it. It was when you lost the baby that day I accused you of stealing my money, that I realized that I could also kill you and I would not have my second half, please Nnenna I know I cant rewind the past but I can at least manage the future so I went for therapy the doctor took me to a clinic and they gave me drugs and told me to attend their session every Tuesday afternoon that was where I was always going to because of that I missed the birth of our child. I hated it but I was happy I was doing something to improve myself, the money I falsely accused you of stealing turned up as my driver brought it all back he apologized and I sacked him. When I saw you and my friend in the hotel I was so angry I could have killed him for touching you but I knew all my year of controlling my temper would be useless so I refrained.” He stood up and laid his sleeping son on the cushion and walked back to her. He stood still for a moment then knelt in front of her.

 He ignored her gasp and took her hands. “Nnenna Amaka Anyebu, I am deeply sorry for all the wrongs I have done and I wish you would forgive me. I would spend all my days regaining your trust and love even if I have to die trying”

he turned his head to indicate the boutique “everything in here belongs to you to do as you please, I wanted to help you find a hobby since our little man will soon start school, am really sorry Nne I can’t even think of how to thank you for staying with me up till now, your patience is strong and your determination stronger. You would have been called nididi.

“I want you to know that I have donated a large sum to help build the foundation for people dealing with anger and temper disorder you inspired me and I want to thank you more than words I would like a chance to be a better husband and a good father.”

 Nnenna didn’t know what to make of the whole actions and she wept for joy since her father died, she reached out and hugged him. “Obim. I have heard you and I forgive you. I forgive you.” she said between sniffles.

 He carried her and stood up then sat on the armchair and rocked her like a babe as she cried. With the sun setting and the rays bouncing of the glass windows and the babe snugly sleeping on the cushion they created a perfect picture of a happy family. When she was quite again he asked her if she wanted to start their marriage anew and she agreed to celebrate the beginning of a happy union.

    The celebration lasted for a week as Oynyechukwu Emmanuel was christened and also their anniversary celebrated, every member of her family attended and Obinna also brought his sister and his dear friend and his wife _Otumba. it was in this course of celebration that Otumba informed Nnenna that he came to the hotel that day to tell obinna that the shop was ready with all the goods, he had wanted to tell her but he didn’t want to ruin a surprise and besides it was Obinna's to tell.

       Nnenna knew that her husband was right wounds made scars if they healed and some wounds didn’t just heal at all but it all depended on how long you were ready to wait for it. She had waited for 7 years and she knew that her chi and the gods had smiled on her because her story ended happily. She knew from the symptoms she had experienced these few weeks and her mother’s confirmation that Oyniyechukwu would soon have a sibling she smiled as she thought of the child she now carried.

 That night she told her husband the good news and knew from his reaction that her wait had not been in vain. Yes. He was right, it took patience_NIDIDI.



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