He looked at Nnnena's pale face and looked at Obinna before asking again ‘what happened?' not waiting for an answer he noted that her pulse was weak. He sniffed the scent of fresh blood, quickly he scanned her body, then the room. He turned back to her limp form and raised the wrapper what he found confirmed his suspicion.

“I didn’t mean to do it” .her husband said before he could ask again.

“You killed the child!” he spoke harshly. “Did you know that? Eh? I have told you to seek help for this your anger issues but you won’t. Now look!” he gestured towards his wife. “there is not much I can do here, make warm water and bathe her then wait for her to recover”.

“Make sure you clean her wounds and give her the antibiotics. Cook native soup, ugwu soup and ofe aku, give her enough water her body needs it. It will be long before her womb heals”

 He walked to the door, without turning he said “take time Obinna if not she will leave you one day, some wounds don’t heal at all”.

   With that he walked out of the house.


Nnenna shifted and groaned, the pain she felt was much, she held her body stiffly then she remembered the incident. Obinna's accusation, the beatings that followed, then nothing else. Although the hands that administered to her were gentle, she winced each time it touched a sore spot. She knew it was Obinna that was bathing her because she heard the choruses he sang in Igbo, his voice was low and soothing. She tried to open her eyes but her lids felt heavy. She heard his voice telling her to stay still gladly slipped into oblivion once more.



        Obinna grasped the rosary beads in desperate successions. His mouth moved but no words came out. He had taken his wife to his room and watched over her. She had regained some color back, after 4days of giving her native soup. He spoke with the doctor again just to be sure, he had followed all the instructions correctly. he wanted her to wake up and look at him, he was really sorry. He was about to touch her face when his phone vibrated.

  He looked at the screen and answered.

Obi. kedu?”  His sister said

“odimma. I can’t come and pick you from the airport my wife is sick” he said.

He walked out of the room so he wouldn’t disturb Nneena.”

“ogini mere ya?”'  Chinwwe asked and he told her about the miscarriage.

“eziokwu!” his sister said “ndo. Don’t worry God is in control I will come and see her later. Take care oh”

 The line went dead. Obinna went back to the room to find out that his wife had woken up. He quietly fed her and urged her to sleep again. It took longer than the doctor predicted for her to heal, but the doctor still assured them that she was young and strong. When she recovered he called her family to visit. He even persuaded her to pack to his rooms and for once in 7years they were like a perfect family even more prefect when she found out she was pregnant. All through her pregnancy Obinna was watchful he dissuaded her from doing any chores, he even made the meals by himself and was always prepared to se to her needs. He was protective about their child saying that the one who carried his child should not work.

  Nnenna was surprised by this change she often expected him to go back to his normal ways when angry but he did not .He took her to church twice a week.

One day, when she was in her 6th month he brought home with him boxes of dresses; aso-ike, yards of native wrapper sewn buba and flat slippers,

 “All these” he told her.” Are for you, my wife”


Obinna knew that whatever he did for his wife was not enough to make up for all the episodes she had experienced with him. He was indeed sorry for all that had occurred, he wished he had accepted help long ago but he was working on it now.


  Nnenna gave birth to her son on a Tuesday, although she was prepared she still needed Obinna, as usual Obinna had left the house. He always left by 2pm and returned by 4pm. Although she was frightened she definitely pulled through. When they reached the hospital she was quickly taken to the ward where she gave birth. Her chi be blessed for she had given her a male child.

Obinna arrived when she was feeding the baby.

Nne! He walked towards her. The room she was in was small but comfortable. He was about to sit on the chair but he sat down on the bed. “Am sorry I wasn’t around.” he looked confused then said “I have something to tell you but not now”

 “Can I hold him please” he stretched out his hands.

His wife gave him the little baby wrapped in wrapper and a shawl and he thought he had never seen a baby this small. He was scared that he would crush him[AP1] [AP2] [AP3] [AP4] .

 There was a knock on the door and then the room was suddenly filled up with her family and Obim’s sister they were singing Igbo songs as they entered the room. Her   mother brought out a container of powder and stared sharing it my brother robbed some on his neck and her mother did the same. All this they did while singing. After this they all wanted to carry the baby. She gave the child to them but he was brought back to her when he began to fuss.


chia!!!. The boy is fine oh” Chinwe said. She turned to Nneena and for once she didn’t look at her with contempt but something close to pity and respect. She knew her elder brother was not an easy person, but Nnenna had been with Obinna for 7 years and she often knew the things that went on in their marriage but she was more surprised when Nnenna had not spoken about it in public. She attended the same women weekly meeting with her but she just did her part and walked away without talking too much. The women in their group_OUR LADY OF VICTORY CATHOLIC WOMEN GROUP_ would soon be here she had informed them before coming to see her brother’s wife.

    She hadn’t even finished thinking of it when there was a knock and the door opened to reveal another set of women they brought some gifts and other baby items. The powered Nnenna’s mother brought was used again and everyone rubbed it. We gathered around the bed and prayed when we finished praying, Kelechi and Chukuwdi left the room to get the food from the car. Obinna muttered something about seeing too much women then excused himself. When the food was brought the women ate and came back and greeted the child once more then left. Only one lady stayed with Chinwe and helped. Her mother bathed the baby and Chinwe handled Nneena_she didn’t want her­_ Ifeoma_ the lady that stayed behind to spread the tales of her scars_ when she was done she took her back to the bed and placed the baby in her arms and she fed the child.

“Sister Ifeoma, am very grateful for what you did” Chinwe said giving the woman the cue to leave. Sister Ifeoma hurriedly stood and said a hasty farewell to the new mother.

“Am so happy for this bundle of joy” Chinwe said in Igbo as Ifeoma left. She sang a little chorus and then told Nnenna to rest, saying that her husband will decide a name for the child as was their custom she then bade her farewell and left.


Chinwe walked out of the hospital and wondered why she ever held Obinna's wife in contempt she knew her brother was the cause of the miscarriage. It was the only plausible explanation. Nnenna never worked tediously only to take care of the house and make Obinna's food. She was happy that they had a son now and a bond she hoped will bring them together.

     Nnenna’s mother came in and told her to rest then she left, Nnenna was filled with great emotion over the day’s activities it was very comforting to be around my family.  She was happy as she rocked the cot beside her the baby had fallen asleep and it was time for her to rest but as  she drifted off she still wondered what it was that Obinna wanted to tell her.



Obinna came in the next day telling his wife that the doctor said she was free to go home and rest in 2 days time. Obinna never talked about what he promised to tell her again.Finally they settled on the name for the child_ Onyinyechukwu_which means God'sgift_but they called him Onyinye. when she got home she found out that her mother had already made the baby room ready and was cooking ofe nsala_ the native dish that nursing mothers often took_when she had settled in and fed Onyinye she went and ate the food. Obinna had started work again and only saw Onyinye when he came back late. The first year in Oyinye's life passed without much fuss for a whole year Obinna never lifted a finger on her.


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