African story; Patience; Nididi continued

'Obim, welcome.' she genuflected and then she took his suitcase.
 ‘I made your favorite dish eba and egusi soup' she quickly walked into the hallway and headed up the stairs.
'Nne! Leave that bag, come and serve my food' he said as he removed his shoes then his shirt.
He was 32years old, tall, light skinned and handsome.
'Wow this smells heavenly! Thank you Nne'  
Obinna ate as he chatted with her she was sitting opposite him and he could see her face. She looked tired and weak. He hadn’t wanted to beat her but he was angry .she had fetched the wrong item and when he corrected her she insisted that he was wrong she challenged him and he was very angry. He wasn’t in control of his anger as he rained blows on her crunched form last night.
 With a rueful shake of his head he focused on eating once more. He knew he could not control his anger but she was the nearest thing and after all he still kept her family afloat.
'My sister will arrive soon make the guest room comfortable for her' he swallowed two more mounds of eba.'Nwanchukwu will not come around until next week. I will travel to Rivers State. I want to meet with the contractor for the house we are building in Okirika'
'Okay' Nnenna knew the reason for her visit was to watch over her. Aunty Chinwe didn’t try to hide her disdain towards Nnenna for one moment.
'Chuwkudi's graduation and Kelechi's matriculation is next month’. Nnenna said.' please can I attend the ceremonies? It has been long since I last saw them.' she rattled on. She had almost lost her confidence when she saw the look in his eyes.
'When I come back from my trip we'll both go, but while am away don’t go anywhere' Obinna said .he washed his hands in the bowl of water and stood up. 'I will be in my room'.
       By the time Nnenna had finished eating and clearing the dishes she was so tired and her head was aching so she decided to rest.
   She didn’t know how long she slept but when she woke up she was feeling much better but slightly nauseous. Since she was awake she decided to write a letter to her brothers Chuwkudi had finished schooling from the Ahjahi Crowder Secondary School in Onistiah and Kelechi had started his first degree at the Anambra State University. they were closer to Mama and often visited when they wished, as she wrote the letter she felt very glad that they had come a long way she had almost lost hope but she was so determined that for them to get a good education and be successful that she would marry ten Obinna's_ if need be_ to make it happen.


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