The truth about eating and staying healthy is to Eat Right and exercise regularly. People often confuse this ritual of eating clean and healthy for starving the body of certain nutrients. All in the name of Dieting.

    Take a picture; I have to get to work by 6am in the morning and I know breakfast is the most important meal for the day, all I have to do is make myself oats or take some slices of bread with my tea but you’ll ask how I will be able to do this  that early the truth is that I wake up by 4:30am drink a glass of water, stretch for 3 to 4 minutes then start my exercise this could involve cardio or lunges since I have to stay inside to get this done. By 5:00am I should be done with that. You see when am done with this morning routine I should be going to poop and this cleans my system for the days food when am done with my shower I could eat that toast or oat meal but before I leave the house I should have some fruits in my bag.

    Now let me analyse this morning scene the truth is that most of us who have to work early often want to make the most of our sleep time. We sleep till its 30 minutes to work time and we then start the rush hour routine.  We even forget to take our required glass of water. This my dear, is not healthy. If you can’t exercise on a week day you should try the weekends there should be enough time and when you get back from work on a weekday try taking a walk, it reduces the stress and tension you have had for the day. Water is also essential as dehydration is very bad for the body. After eating drink enough water, you can go around with a bottle of water it helps. Trust me.  

   Now talking about eating right has so much to do with what you can afford, and what you can eat. Most people can’t afford some high priced meals, don’t give up, there are so many nutrients in the ones you can prepare on your payroll, also most individuals are allergic to certain foods there is always a substitute.  Fruits are always an essential part of what we have to eat every day as we need the nutrients but we can’t live off them alone.

    When I say you need to eat healthy I mean eat well and correctly but also throw exercise into the mix. You see, you exercise not only to have a good shape and keep fit but you also exercise to make your body stronger, firmer and also get your blood pumping for the day’s activities. Dieting doesn’t mean you get to starve yourself, but you want to eat the right things at the right time. Like replacing the candy bars for fruits and good food. The truth about dieting is to eat the right food and exercise regularly.


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